Alternative Dispute Resolution before the unfulfillment of the loan guaranteed with the family house


  • Giselle Moncada Ramírez Universidad Santa María La Antigua
  • Lizette Adriana González Gómez Universidad Mundo Maya Campus Campeche



institutionalization, conflict resolution methods, auction, family housing, training module


In the present study, the institutionalization of conciliation as a solution to the mortgage foreclosure process for family housing was proposed as a statement that guides the research, because of global crisis or events such as the increase in Federal Reserve rates of the United States in 2023. The qualitative approach that governed the research allowed us to improve the statement, bringing it more precisely to reality. The method of legal dogmatics lege ferenda was used since it could be necessary to reform to the current laws. Interviews were carried out with 20 experts, statistics from the website of the Judicial Branch were observed to determine the use or not of conciliation in mortgage foreclosure processes and with the application of the ATLAS.ti program the interviews were coded. The results led to the conclusion that, although banks use good practices to reach agreements with debtors, it is accepted to institutionalize conciliation, but also to include other conflict resolution methods in a limited manner so as not to denature the mortgage foreclosure process and extending them to private auctions governed by guaranteed trusts. The present study has the particularity that by having used the data triangulation method with the information collected from the interviews of the experts, it opens the way to other lines of research such as the comprehensive training module for conciliators and mediators in banking, finance and real estate and the expanded development of the figures of debt restructuring, refinancing, dations in payment, quick sale, and other options for the type of conflict studied, which would arise from the approach of the duly advised parties and if conflict resolution methods were practiced.


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Author Biographies

Giselle Moncada Ramírez, Universidad Santa María La Antigua

Universidad Católica Santa María La Antigua (USMA), Extensión Chiriquí, Panamá.

Lizette Adriana González Gómez, Universidad Mundo Maya Campus Campeche

Universidad Mundo Maya Campus Campeche, México


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How to Cite

Moncada Ramírez, G., & González Gómez, L. A. (2024). Alternative Dispute Resolution before the unfulfillment of the loan guaranteed with the family house. Investigación Y Pensamiento Crítico, 12(3), 04–20.