Impacto De La Beca Universal en Retención Escolar y Cumplimiento Del Ciclo Educativo




Educational system, universal scholarship, school retention, legal sociology, educational policies


It has been more than 8 years since Law No. 1 came into force. 40 of August 23, 2010, which regulates the Universal Scholarship Program and modifies an article of Law 8 of 2010, without having an evaluation of its results, particularly on the issue of school retention. This article presents the analysis of the theoretical aspects of the program, the impact on school retention conditioned to the completion of the study cycle, basic, premedia and media, in the expected time. Therefore, we are facing another problem look, beyond school dropout or failure. The methodology is presented in two stages: the first consisted in the analysis of all the regulations of the universal scholarship program from the legal sociology; the second phase is quantitative, in which the type of impact is measured from two variables, "REDU = Retention and Educational Effectiveness", which measures at% level the capacity of the system to retain students but conditioned to the completion in the expected time, and the second variable "REZ = this measures in absolute numbers the number of students that are within the educational system but in a certain cycle do not manage to finish it in the expected time. Within the main results; At the level of the norm, there are several gaps that affected the effectiveness of the program. On the other hand, in the quantitative dimension it can be shown that in the basic cycle of 87% effectiveness increases to 94%, in the case of the Premedia and Media cycle, 23% is increased to 51% of effectiveness. These results allow designing the methodology for a monitoring and evaluation system; that they need to incorporate for the improvement of the program.


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Author Biography

Luis Carlos Herrera M.

Investigador de la Universidad Católica Santa María La Antigua (USMA) Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigación (SNI) Miembro del Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de Ciencias Sociales (CENICS)



How to Cite

Herrera M., L. C. (2019). Impacto De La Beca Universal en Retención Escolar y Cumplimiento Del Ciclo Educativo. Investigación Y Pensamiento Crítico, 7(1), 5–26.