About the Journal

Investigacióny Pensamiento Crítico (Research and Critical Thinking)

Digital ISSN: 2644-4119

Printed ISSN: 1812-3864

Objectives, Mission, Thematic Coverage and Scope of the Journal

Open Access Policy
Ethics and good practices policy
Template, Instructions authors

Management Characteristics and Editorial Policy

1. Definition of the Journal

The Investigación y Pensamiento Crítico journal was established at the Universidad Santa María La Antigua in 2004. Since then, it has been the scientific research journal of the USMA.

The publication of the IPC journal is the first line of action established, within the Program for Publications and other Means of Dissemination of Research Results, described in the Operation Manual, Functions and Procedures of the Directorate of Research and Development of the USMA , approved at the regular meeting No. 332 of the Academic Council of this university, dated September 1, 2016.

In its first period, it had an irregular production cycle in its periodicity and content. In its second period, from mid-2015 to date, it has complied with all the quality aspects required for its inclusion in the select catalog (indexation 1.0) carried out by LatIndex, which it obtained in 2017.

IPC is a scientific-academic publication and is aimed at specialists in different fields of human knowledge. It publishes original research papers (scientific articles, short communications, thematic summaries) and critical thinking papers (essays, monographs, informed opinion articles, current analysis, etc.). IPC is not a publication of an informative nature and does not have any commercial intention.

IPC is an interdisciplinary journal, it is preferably aimed at experimental work within the thematic domains of Social Sciences and Engineering-Technology. It is open to receiving and publishing institutional and external (national and international) collaborations that are of sufficient quality and make a real and innovative contribution to the body of knowledge within the disciplines in question.

2. Policy towards Collaborations of External Authors

IPC is open to receive and encourages the submission of contributions from external, national and foreign authors. To date, he has published contributions from authors from different countries (USA, Spain, Italy, Cuba, Colombia, Argentina, among others.) as well as from various national institutions (private Universities, Research Centers, Non-Governmental Organizations, among others). .). The goal in this specific domain will be set for the publication of external authors in an equal proportion, with respect to institutional authors.

3. Editorial Opening.

The composition of the IPC Scientific Council reflects an important diversity in terms of the institutional origin of its members. Currently, 71.24% of its members are external to the USMA and have international institutional affiliation (academics from Costa Rica, Mexico, Germany, Scotland and Chile).

4. Information Services.

IPC is included in indexing, abstracting, directory and catalog services such as MIAR, ROAR and the Glyphos electronic file. It is found in the virtual general catalog of the newspaper archives of the "Ernesto J. Castillero" National Library of Panama and in that of the Library System of the University of Panama (SIBIUP).

5. Compliance with Periodicity.

Since mid-2015, IPC has strictly kept the periodicity in terms of the regular publication of its contents, both in print and online. The online version is published during the last week of each quarter, while the printed version, within the two subsequent weeks.
Quarterly periods: January-April, May-August, September-December.

6. Access and reuse policies.

The Journal (and its contents) use Creative Commons  Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), where:
"The licensee has the right to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and to make derivative works as long as the licensee acknowledges and cites the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor."
Summary: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/legalcode

7. Adoption of Codes of Ethics.

IPC adheres to the standards of the "Committee on Publication Ethics", specifically its "Code of Conduct and Best Practices Guidelines for Journals Editors, COPE). Likewise, it is subject to the prescriptions of Law 64 of October 10, 2012, "On Copyright and Related Rights", in force throughout the territory of the Republic of Panama.

Ethics policy and good practices

8. Plagiarism detection policies.

IPC has the Turnitin tool to detect percentage of similarity or plagiarism. Where all the articles received are verified through reading and analysis of texts and by the Turnitin tool.

9. Requirement of originality.

IPC only publishes original papers, which have not been published in any other scientific publication medium, in another format, totally or partially. Violation of this precept will cause the author to be permanently disqualified from re-publishing on IPC. Likewise, the name of the aforementioned author will be sent to the Investigation Commission of the Council of Rectors of Panama and to the Directorate of Investigation and Development of the National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation (SENACYT), to establish precedents regarding this fact.

10. Digital file preservation policy.

The Information Technology Department obtains a backup with Symantec's Backup exec 15 tool.

Additionally, the institutional repository is used as a portal to replicate the information from the IPC Journal.


11. Source of Financing.

The Catholic University of Santa Maria La Antigua


12. Indexing:

The IPC Journal is indexed in:

     Latindex 2.0 www.latindex.org/ 




     AmeliCA   http://amelica.org/

     REDIB   https://www.redib.org/

    CLASE  https://clase.dgb.unam.mx/


    biblat  https://biblat.unam.mx/es/


    PERIÓDICA https://periodica.dgb.unam.mx/