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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • You can send your attached articles to the address

    As part of the submission process, authors are required to check that their submission meets all the elements shown below. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will be returned to the authors.
  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • El fichero enviado está en formato Microsoft Word o compatible, y no tiene una extensión superior de palabras indicada para cada tipo de artículo.
  • The article must collect the data and affiliation of the authors, as indicated in the submission template.
  • The original includes: title, authorship, abstract, keywords, text, acknowledgments, bibliographical references and a single appendix (if applicable).
  • The summary/abstract is between 250-300 words in Spanish and English and has been made according to the IMRDyC structure.
  • 5 keywords are indicated in Spanish and English (included in some Thesaurus), separated by commas, writing the first letter of each keyword in lowercase to facilitate their search in the databases.
  • Wherever possible, URLs are provided for references.
  • The text conforms to the journal template and all the illustrations, figures and tables are within the text in the right place and not at the end. Italics are used instead of underlining (except in URLs).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which appear in About the journal.
  • By submitting an article for publication in the IPC journal, I tacitly accept the license used by the USMA of the type: Explanation: /licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/

Author Guidelines

quarterly Journal

"Research and Critical Thinking"



1. The objective of the Investigación y Pensamiento Crítico Journal is to promote the exchange of information about preferably empirical research of a scientific nature. Whoever wishes to collaborate in the magazine must follow the instructions detailed below:
2. The works must be original.
3. The authorship must be detailed with their names and affiliations.
4. It is ESSENTIAL that all the people who make up the authorship of the article are indicated in the submission process (adding them one by one), taking into account that the order in which they sign will be that of publication (no change will be allowed in authorship later). One of them will also be identified as the "Main Contact" for editorial correspondence.
5. If considered appropriate, when sending an original, in the "Comments for the editor" section, two possible reviewers can be proposed, providing us with their name and surname, full professional affiliation and email address. This proposal will not imply the obligatory nature of its choice by the Editorial Committee.
6. All authors must provide the Journal with the ORCID.



1. The structure of the articles presented will contain at least the following sections: a) Name, surname, professional affiliation and email of the author of correspondence; likewise, at the foot of the page it must be clearly indicated if the proposed article is the result of research from projects financed by public or private organizations, preferentially valuing this aspect in the selection of originals; b) Title (Spanish and English); c) Resumen/Abstract (Spanish and English); d) Keywords (Spanish and English); e) Introduction; f) Method; g) Results; h) Discussion and conclusions; i) Acknowledgments, j) Bibliographic references and k) Appendix (if applicable).
2. The summary/abstract will be between 250-300 words in Spanish and English and will be carried out according to the IMRDyC structure: introduction, method, results, discussion and conclusions. After the summary/abstract, 5 keywords in Spanish and English (included in a thesaurus) will be indicated, separated by semicolons, writing the first letter of each keyword in lowercase to facilitate their search in the databases.
3. The length of the papers will depend on the type of publication, including: title, authorship, abstract, keywords, text, bibliographical references and appendix (if applicable). The template that the journal makes available to the author will be strictly followed. The document will be compatible with Microsoft Word in any of its versions.
4. All works must have a clearly identified title. Attached to the title will be the name of the author(s), as well as their institutional affiliation and their postal and electronic address.
5. The first listed author will be considered as the main author and the corresponding author will be indicated to whom any communication regarding the work will be directed.
6. For the writing of the works, the APA regulations will be followed in their latest version. It is recommended to consult the corresponding manual directly. References that have a DOI (Digital Object Identifier System) must appear with their corresponding link. Failure to comply with this criterion, in its entirety, will cause the direct rejection of the article.

7. The non-adaptation to the Word template established for the Journal (regulations, font, spaces, edition formats, structure...), is a reason for direct rejection of the article presented, inviting the Editorial Committee to modify it according to the template and upload it. like new shipment.

To access the templates, click on the following Link and go down to the part that indicates Indexed Magazine "IPC", when you enter there will be the three downloadable templates in Word format.

8. It is recommended that the author review, among others, the contributions of the journals included in the home section of the Research and Critical Thinking website, related to the topic of their research.
9. The submitted manuscripts must be original and not be submitted to evaluation by any other scientific journal or previously published. The Journal uses anti-plagiarism tools to guarantee the originality of the manuscripts.
10. The publication of an article in the journal is free of charge for the authors.


The articles, to be evaluated, can be submitted at any time. The issues of the magazine are published during the last week of each quarter. Quarterly periods: January-April, May-August, September-December. For any questions regarding the management of articles, please contact:


1. The authors retain copyright and all publication rights.

2. The Journal (and its contents) use Creative Commons licenses, specifically the CC BY NC SA type, where: "the beneficiary of the license has the right to copy, distribute, display and represent the work and make derivative works provided you acknowledge and cite the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor." 

3. They can be copied, used, disseminated, transmitted and exhibited publicly, provided that: i) the authorship and the original source of its publication (journal, publisher and URL, DOI of the work) are cited; ii) are not used for commercial purposes.

4. Conditions of self-archiving. Authors are encouraged to electronically disseminate the post-print versions (version evaluated and accepted for publication), as it favors their circulation and dissemination, increases their citation and reach among the academic community.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.