Estudio sobre la brecha de salarios entre hombres y mujeres en Panamá. 2005-2015.


  • Dimas Quiel


Wage gap, Average salary, Occupation category, Regression, Estimation


Panama is one of the Latin American countries where income disparity between men and women has been reduced in recent years. This was revealed by the IDB report "New century, Old disparities: Gender and ethnic wage gaps in Latin America" published in 2012. When analyzing the average income in the last 11 years at the country level, it appears that this gap tends to close. However, when analyzing the gap by occupational category is evident that, in some cases, there are large disparities.
This study uses published data from the household survey, to analyze the gaps per year for each of the occupations defined by the National Classification of Occupations; evaluate the trend of average wages of men and women through simple regression models and estimate the year in which the gap could be closed.


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How to Cite

Quiel, D. (2016). Estudio sobre la brecha de salarios entre hombres y mujeres en Panamá. 2005-2015. Investigación Y Pensamiento Crítico, 4(2), 5–25. Retrieved from