Job Stress and Executive Functions of Early Childhood Teachers in the Panama district


  • Gabriela Noriega-Martínez Universidad Santa María La Antigua
  • Ida Graciela Gálvez Amores Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de Ciencias Sociales
  • Marianne Martínez Mantovani Universidad del Istmo
  • Markelda Montenegro Universidad Santa María La Antigua



Education, Early Childhood Teachers, Teacher Stress, Executive Functions, Mental Health


Stress is a physiological response to changes that cause physical, emotional, and psychological tension in front of diverse life challenges, including work. Chronic stress can have harmful consequences for overall physical and emotional health, especially in adverse conditions such as the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, it can cause impairment in executive functions, which are decisive in responding adaptively to the demands of our environment. After the onset of the pandemic, early childhood center teachers became part of the essential workforce, and there were reports of worsening in various aspects of their lives.  Ensuring adequate working conditions could improve teachers' work and quality of life, and for their students. Aim: To analyze the relationship between the level of teaching stress and executive functions in teachers Centros de Atención Integral a la Primera Infancia (Early Childhood Centers, CAIPI) in the Panama District. Methods and sample: This was a quantitative, non-experimental study, with correlational scope and single-application cross-sectional research design. The sample includes 67 CAIPI teachers of the Panama district assessed with a clinical interview, the Behavioral Assessment of Executive Function (BRIEF®-A), and the Teaching Stress Scale ED-6. Results and Conclusions: Moderate relationships (r= 0.40-0.69) were observed between some stress factors established by the ED-6 (anxiety, depression, maladaptive beliefs, pressures, and demotivation) and some executive functions by the BRIEF®-A (initiation, working memory, emotional control, and change). These findings can give information about the complexity of the early childhood teaching job and could provide tools to create a route toward executive function training as protective factors for teacher stress. These results could also have a significant impact on children's development and improve teaching-learning dynamics.


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Author Biographies

Gabriela Noriega-Martínez, Universidad Santa María La Antigua

Universidad Santa María La Antigua (USMA), Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá.

Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de Ciencias Sociales (CENICS), Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá

Ida Graciela Gálvez Amores, Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de Ciencias Sociales

Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de Ciencias Sociales (CENICS), Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá.

Becaria de la Maestría en Ciencias Sociales con énfasis en Teorías y Métodos de investigación – SENACYT - Universidad de Panamá

Marianne Martínez Mantovani, Universidad del Istmo

Universidad del Istmo, Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá

Markelda Montenegro, Universidad Santa María La Antigua

Universidad Santa María La Antigua (USMA), Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá.

Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de Ciencias Sociales (CENICS), Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá.


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How to Cite

Noriega-Martínez, G., Gálvez Amores, I. G., Martínez Mantovani, M., & Montenegro, M. (2024). Job Stress and Executive Functions of Early Childhood Teachers in the Panama district. Investigación Y Pensamiento Crítico, 12(2), 54–67.