The influence of the use of strategic planning of operational capacity in the operations management of logistics companies in Panama.
strategic planning, operational capacity, operating administration, logistics firms, efficiencyAbstract
The focus of this research is to study the administration of logistics companies in Panama by analyzing the relationship between strategic planning and operational capacity. The purpose is to investigate how the possible causal relationship between strategic planning and operational capacity may be affecting efficiency, resource utilization and effectiveness in decision making related to customer service. To collect the data for this research, a survey with twenty-two (22) questions was applied to a segmented sample of thirty-two (32) logistics companies, with operations in the cities of Panama and Colón, – with a partial scope and methodological design, correlational character, retrospective, longitudinal and with observational purpose. For the statistical processing of the collected data, the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (IBM SPSS) software was used. The results of the analysis of hypothesis (H1) suggest to reject the assumption that to the extent that quantitative techniques are used to forecast demand, the efficiency of the operations of logistics companies is influenced. In this sense, the results also suggest that for survey companies, forecasting demand quantitatively is relevant when it comes to studying the influence of strategic planning on operational capacity. The results of the analysis of hypothesis (H2) suggest that the premise is acceptable that to the extent that there is a method for evaluating the costs versus benefits of the resources used for operational capacity, the utility of logistics companies will be impacted. The results of the analysis of hypothesis (H3) suggest that the assumption that to the extent that a decision-making system exists, the effectiveness of customer service levels of logistics companies is impacted.
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