Evaluación de Microorganismos de Algunos Suelos Procedentes de la Región de Azuero





soil, Microorganism, Zigzag,, Homogenize and Diversit



The viable count of microorganisms in the soil may be performed by plate count technique or most probable number technique (MPN). The fundamental principles of these techniques are dispersing a sample in an appropriate diluent, distribution in an appropriate growth medium, incubation under optimal conditions, and counting the colonies developed. Microbial production of CO2 in the soil can be determined by incubating the floor akimbo, the aim of this project was to characterize the microorganisms of three types of soil: Agricultural, Livestock and Forestry, through multiple techniques of microbiology. one preferably rectangular area of about 10x5 meters, on which sampling is employed as zigzag where five subsamples of about 10g of each (which are deposited in plastic bags 1 lb) were taken are selected, a 20 cm deep and then homogenize in a single sample. Once the procedure samples are taken to the Research Unit of the University Regional Center Azuero. Upon completion of this research project we have concluded that the research hypothesis was accepted as an increased occurrence and diversity of microorganisms in one of the three soils tested is presented.


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Author Biography

Alexis De La Cruz

Docente e investigador de la Escuela de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Exactas y Tecnología, Centro Regional Universitario de Azuero, Universidad de Panamá.

Profesor-Investigador, Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones en Ciencias Agrarias y Ambientales, Centro Regional de la USMA en Azuero, Chitré, Panamá.



How to Cite

De La Cruz, A. (2018). Evaluación de Microorganismos de Algunos Suelos Procedentes de la Región de Azuero. Investigación Y Pensamiento Crítico, 6(1), 51–64. https://doi.org/10.37387/ipc.v6i1.80